Saturday, August 18, 2007

Love of Shoes & Cars

Hey Dad, why am I wearing two different shoes??

We love Elijah more every day.
He seems to be getting bigger by the hour - learning new things... making new sounds... fitting into "big" clothes! Wow, can't wait for what's next.

Look Mom - I can sit up in my car seat.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Two Months In One Post

We are bad bloggers.... it is offical.
Sorry it has been so long... a lot has happened we will try and get you all caught up.

I will start with this last weekend and work my way back to May - which is when we last posted.

Let see... As I am writing Elijah is laying on his blanket on the floor next to my desk. He spends alot of time there while I am working... I don't think he minds. He is really starting to find his voice... chatting cooing and laughing. It is wonderful.

This last weekend we went camping. Elijah's First time. We went with my (Karen's) parents to an RV type park at Little Diamond Lake - North of Spokane. We had a great time; laying around, playing cards, huckleberry picking and spending time just being family. Plus Mark and my Dad rode the motorcycles up as well and spent a good amount of time riding trails in the woods.

Elijah is getting so big... he finally has chub!

He has started eating cereal. Just a little once a day but I think he enjoys it?

The previous weekend was spent in Tri-Cities where I co-hosted Lauren's baby shower. I was a nice time to see friends and celebrate her baby belly. It was a quick trip - just down and back on Satruday. I had a lot of work to get done. Working from home and being self employeed is nice but it sure can be a lot of work sometimes.

We took Elijah to his first Indians baseball game. There was a home-run that landed just 20 feet from us. Elijah seemed a little shocked with all the cheering! But other than being really hot and of course spitting up all over his outfit (like usual) he had a great time and so did we.

On the 22nd of July, Elijah was dedicated to the Lord at our Church in Spokane. Lots of family came to be apart. It was a really special time and it meant alot to have the family here for it.

The 13th - 15th of July we headed to Tri-Cities on Friday. Elijah got to swim in Grandma and Grandpa Snyder's pool. First time in a big pool. Then Saturday it was off to Walla Walla for a family reunion on my side then to my Grandma's 75th birthday party. The reunion was hot and the birthday was fun - Elijah was the center of attention. He is just so darn cute.

Ryan and Lauren came to visit the 7th and 8th of July. We went baby shopping - out to some good food and just had fun relaxing and chatting. Can't wait for Baby LT.

We had our 5 year wedding anniversary on the 6th. We left Elijah for the first time overnight - with my parents... it was a little hard but was nice to have the time away and alone. My parents did a great job.

The week of June 29th through July 5th we rented a lake cabin with 5 other couples. There was lots of sun, food, kids, laughing, eating, playing and having fun. Not lots of sleep with 7 kids 3 and under in the house but lots of fun times just the same. Elijah went swiming in the lake and had fun with mommy and daddy playing in the sun. While we were there Mark turned 28.

In the month of June we had time to just hang out and enjoy Elijah. He went swiming for the frist time in a little baby pool he got from his Uncle Josh, Aunt Haley and their boys.

I turned 26! Wow that sounds so OLD. Mark made me a great doughnut birthday cake.... it is my new favorite.

At the end of May we made the long drive to Billings MT to visit Mark's brother Josh and his family. The boy's have gotten so big and active since we saw them last. We had a great time just hanging out and being with family. Lot of fun resturaunts in Billings. Elijah did amazing with the long car ride... but I don't think he is looking forward to doing it again any time soon.

That takes us back to about the last time we posted.
Promise to try and keep up from now on.