Thursday, September 10, 2009

Trying To Keep Up With Blogging

Already September and summer is OVER?
No, not around here anyways... with no kids going "back to school" yet it doesn't seem like summer is over just yet.  We are still enjoying warm days and fun time outside.  We will be getting grass this weekend! Yeah! Let me tell ya... 2 year old and a summer with an all dirt yard... MESSY! DIRTY! But tons of fun.

We've been busy... camping and a Seattle trip to see our friends the Knights and the Mariners in August.  Camping with Grandma and "Pa-Ka" over Labor day. Headed to the Fair tomorrow and at least one trip coming up in September to Tri-Cities. Busy Busy Busy.

Enjoy the pictures below. Fun boys playing, bath time, hiking with dad.... etc.