Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

November and Busy

There is too much to write about in detail.... so I will just post some great pictures from the last 6 weeks or so.  There are some of us putting in our sod, camping, the fair, the beach, Halloween and just playing around.  We are all doing great and looking forward to Thanksgiving in Tri-cities and hopefully some snow and Christmas in Spokane.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Trying To Keep Up With Blogging

Already September and summer is OVER?
No, not around here anyways... with no kids going "back to school" yet it doesn't seem like summer is over just yet.  We are still enjoying warm days and fun time outside.  We will be getting grass this weekend! Yeah! Let me tell ya... 2 year old and a summer with an all dirt yard... MESSY! DIRTY! But tons of fun.

We've been busy... camping and a Seattle trip to see our friends the Knights and the Mariners in August.  Camping with Grandma and "Pa-Ka" over Labor day. Headed to the Fair tomorrow and at least one trip coming up in September to Tri-Cities. Busy Busy Busy.

Enjoy the pictures below. Fun boys playing, bath time, hiking with dad.... etc.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Cute Baby Noah

We just got some pictures taken of Noah. Too Cute.
More Pictures of Elijah and the whole family to come.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

May, and Now June!?

Wow time is flying by. Can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I posted last. Sorry.  

Little Noah is growing every day. Can't believe he is 8 weeks old today! We love him very much. He is sleeping at least 7 hours at once and sometimes a little more. Really lucky! Here are some pictures of him. Too Cute!

Elijah is doing great.  Learning so much, talking like crazy... wonder where he gets it? hehehe. We are potty training... I think it is harder on mommy then Elijah... but we'll make it though. He are some picture of him, enjoying the little pool at grandma's, running and playing with Daddy and coloring (his new favorite - at least twice a day).

Hope everyone is well.  Come over and visit... 
take a road trip if need be.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Noah James Has Arrived!

Noah is here and doing great. Mommy, Daddy and Elijah 

are doing good too. All glad that we are home and settled.

It all started Wednesday morning with contractions waking up Karen.  To the hospital with regular 2 to 3 min. contractions by 8:00 am. They evaluated Karen for 4 hours and since she was not "progressing" they sent her home to wait it out and come back if things got worse.  By 2:00 pm Karen was tired of dealing with 3 to 4 min. regular contractions so she called the doctors office... they said to come right in and the doctor checked her... still not much progress.  But sent us to the hospital to wait and wait again.  By 10:30 that night.... with still no progress they agreed to admit us and we at least got in a real room.  3:30 am still awake and still dealing with regular strong contractions but there was not a lot  of progress.  Karen decided to go with the epidural (something she really didn't want, based on it stopping her labor with Elijah).  Once the pain was mostly gone the contractions got stronger, longer and more effective by 7:30/8:00 in the morning our doctor was there, water was broken, and we soon started pushing for a baby and by 9:21 am (April 30th) with just a little pushing and not too much pain - Noah James was born.  Healthy - 8 lb. 14 oz., 21 inches long, with lots of hair.

All is good. We are feeling REALLY really blessed and loving every minute of our boys.  Trying to soak it all up, as they change so fast.

Much love to all, come visit if you can - give us a call first but we would love to see you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hoping For Thursday

Here is the 39 week picture I promised.
I am feeling really big - but good.  
Ready for the challenge of labor and 
even more ready to meet my son. 
We'll keep you all posted on Noah's arrival.  
Hope to know more and maybe even head to the hospital 
after my appointment this Thursday morning.

Who knows though???

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Almost May - All Is Well

We are getting closer and closer to the due date. May 2nd to be exact. Doing good, feeling good, Noah is moving a lot. I'll try and post a belly picture for you soon. WOW it is big.

We have been working hard on our "to do" list around the house to get ready for him to arrive. I know I will be short on time with 2 boys to look after so I want to get as much done as possible. Here are some pictures of the painting and rooms we have done in the house so far.

Beautiful Orange/Red living room.

Yellow dining room, with our very first "real" dining room table.

My green kitchen!!  LOVE it!

Elijah's "big boy" robot room.

Noah's Nursery.


Here is a picture of the outside of the house.  Painting is almost done. It is really starting to look like a home.  Now, if we can just get in the retaining walls, sprinklers, lawn, landscaping and fence - hehehehehe.... we have a summer full of work ahead of us. Not to mention hopefully finishing the basement this winter.

Elijah in mommy's big shoes. He is getting big so fast and is talking like crazy!

We were given this great new outdoor toy for Elijah and Noah and...Mark. Mark had a good time putting it together.  Elijah LOVES playing with his friends (Gab-real and Grac-ee).

Hope everyone is doing well. Email or comment and let us know how you are.