Saturday, May 02, 2009

Noah James Has Arrived!

Noah is here and doing great. Mommy, Daddy and Elijah 

are doing good too. All glad that we are home and settled.

It all started Wednesday morning with contractions waking up Karen.  To the hospital with regular 2 to 3 min. contractions by 8:00 am. They evaluated Karen for 4 hours and since she was not "progressing" they sent her home to wait it out and come back if things got worse.  By 2:00 pm Karen was tired of dealing with 3 to 4 min. regular contractions so she called the doctors office... they said to come right in and the doctor checked her... still not much progress.  But sent us to the hospital to wait and wait again.  By 10:30 that night.... with still no progress they agreed to admit us and we at least got in a real room.  3:30 am still awake and still dealing with regular strong contractions but there was not a lot  of progress.  Karen decided to go with the epidural (something she really didn't want, based on it stopping her labor with Elijah).  Once the pain was mostly gone the contractions got stronger, longer and more effective by 7:30/8:00 in the morning our doctor was there, water was broken, and we soon started pushing for a baby and by 9:21 am (April 30th) with just a little pushing and not too much pain - Noah James was born.  Healthy - 8 lb. 14 oz., 21 inches long, with lots of hair.

All is good. We are feeling REALLY really blessed and loving every minute of our boys.  Trying to soak it all up, as they change so fast.

Much love to all, come visit if you can - give us a call first but we would love to see you.