Thursday, June 25, 2009

May, and Now June!?

Wow time is flying by. Can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I posted last. Sorry.  

Little Noah is growing every day. Can't believe he is 8 weeks old today! We love him very much. He is sleeping at least 7 hours at once and sometimes a little more. Really lucky! Here are some pictures of him. Too Cute!

Elijah is doing great.  Learning so much, talking like crazy... wonder where he gets it? hehehe. We are potty training... I think it is harder on mommy then Elijah... but we'll make it though. He are some picture of him, enjoying the little pool at grandma's, running and playing with Daddy and coloring (his new favorite - at least twice a day).

Hope everyone is well.  Come over and visit... 
take a road trip if need be.