Monday, October 02, 2006

Weekend Outside

This past weekend was packed with fun in the outdoors. It started out on Friday when my boss told me to take off at noon. I didn't pass that up. I headed home and picked up Karen and we went to Audubon park to play trackball and frisbee. Then out to Karen's parents house where I met up with her dad and brother to go shooting. We went up into Dishman Mica hills and found this sketchy private shooting range. They guy running it looked like a pirate from Pirates of the Carribean. He even carried a pistol on his hip. Anyways we shot .22s at targets and shot the shotgun at clay skeet. My shoulder was a little sore after that. Then that night I headed out with a couple friends to go ice blocking at the golf course. We didnt start until 10:30 and it was DARK! Steep hill, dark, and a crazy fast ice block made for a ton of fun, plus no one got hurt so that was even better.

Then on Saturday I headed to Stevens Lake to go backpacking with a couple other friends. The hike was only a moderate in rating but it almost killed me. The whole thing was up up up! We made it the 2.5 miles to the first lake and found only a few camp spots with one of them with a couple guys so we headed further up to the upper lake. What an adventure. We never really found the trail so we climbed along the creek/waterfalls coming from the upper lake. Once we managed to get up there it was worth it. All of the foilage was turning so there were tons of reds/oranges/and yellow. That night we had a fire and made smores. Then we were all out like a light. Morning came and so did the wind and cold, but what do you expect when it is October. Once the sun broke everything started warming up and we hiked up to Stevens Peak (elev. 6826) from the lake (elev. 5563). It only took us an hour and 15 min. The veiw was amazing looking down onto both Stevens Lakes and also over the ridge to Lone Lake. We headed down to camp to grab our packs and then hiked back out to the car. Leaving the upper lake we were bound to find the real trail between the lakes but we weren't that lucky. So I bushwhacked us through the woods until we came along a dear trail and followed that down to the lower lake and caught the hiking trail the rest of the way to the car. It was a short trip but a lot of fun. Only would have been better if Karen could have come too.

1 comment:

Shultz Family said...

We heard you have some great news! We should all get together some time. You have to meet our little guy. Check out our blog