Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Keep on keep'in on

Day 11 post transplant and we are doing well. Mark's body is showing the first signs of "grafting." We need his numbers to continue to go up the next couple days and it will be official. Grafting is the stage of the transplant where the donor cells start taking over and creating new cells.... a new immune system - and is a very good sign that Mark will be getting stronger soon.

Mark's skin is getting better. It was a couple tough days there. He is on steroids to help the skin which challenge his mind. He is doing his best to stay motivated and positive. Please pray for Gods supernatural strength to help Mark power through the tough days ahead.

I had to go and re-read my post today about: doing what we don't want to do - I needed that reminder. I need to trust God and keep moving forward with joy. I can do this. We can do this. We are strong enough. May God be glorified each day.

Thanks for your love, encouragement and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for that supernatural strength for you both! So glad to hear that there was so good news today!Donita